By Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant Today’s excerpt is from “One Day My Soul Just Opened Up“, 40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth. It is about practicing Non-Judgement: It is a state of mental and emotional openness and receptivity to new experiences and new interpretations of past experiences. Observation of people and/or participation in events without the imposing of personal will, perceptions, or criticisms. Commentary on NON-JUDGMENT It’s so good to have a sane friend to talk to when you are crazy. I had one. My friend made one statement. It was a simple statement that made no sense and so much sense at the same time. He gave me some insight that helped me release my children, myself and every other person and condition in my life from the death grip of judgment. The statement: “There is no right, no wrong, there just is what is!” Are you telling me that it’s not wrong to kill, lie and steal? “People who commit those acts do so in fear, shame or guilt. Is it wrong to be afraid or shamed or to feel guilty?” It made sense, but it didn’t feel right, I mean good. I had to pursue this line of thought a